Meet the Specialists in Tablet Compression
The KORSCH team offer extensive experience and expertise on the full range of KORSCH equipment, as well as formulation development, process improvement, and equipment optimization, with a clear and constant focus on responsive technical service and customer success.

The KORSCH India sales team has full responsibility for India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, and can provide detailed technical information on the full line of KORSCH technology
TEL +91 8008997035

Innovation Center
The KORSCH team of pharmacists, quality assurance specialists, and service technicians offer extensive expertise in tablet compression technology. They work with a wide range of products under diverse production conditions and have a wealth of experience around best practices, which our customers can leverage.
TEL +91 98 1900 4298
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Service Team
Our service engineers are factory trained and highly skilled, with expertise that includes mechanical, electrical, automation, as well as process expertise. Our technical service team supports diagnostics, repair, commissioning, validation, upgrades, and training.
TEL +91 98 1900 4298

Spare Parts Inventory
KORSCH India Private Ltd. maintains an on-site inventory of KORSCH spare parts for every machine model. We stock all critical wear and spare parts with next day delivery.
TEL +91 7875442207